Sponsorship for the Community Campout Against Cancer on Oct 19-20 2013.

by Helen Palomino

Cancer Resource Center of the Desert is having their annual Community Campout on October 19-20, 2013 from 6pm to 6am.  CRCD is very appreciative of having great sponsors. The Community Campout Against Cancer is possible because of the sponsors, volunteers, and the teams that donate, help and participate in our annual campout.  Thank you!! 

2013  CRCD Campout Agenda_Page_2.jpg

Symposium Event

by Helen Palomino

The Cancer Resource Center of the Desert (CRCD) hosted a community symposium on cross-border utilization of Healthcare by Women with Breast Cancer.  It was held on September 7, 2013 at Imperial Valley College.  
Click on the photo below for more photos or go into our facebook page at facebook.com/crcd.ic

The Cancer Resource Center of the Desert (CRCD) fue anfitrion de un Simposio Comunitario de la utilizacion transfronteriza de asistencia medica por mujeres con cancer de seno.  Se llevo acabo el dia 7 de Septiembre del 2013 en Imperial Valley College.  

Haga click en la foto de la parte de abajo para ver mas fotos o valla a nuestra pagina de facebook en facebook.com/crcd.ic

2013 Community Campout, Oct 19 & 20

by Helen Palomino

You are invited to participate in our annual Community Campout.  It will he held on October 19 & 20 from 6:00p.m. to 6:00a.m.  Here is the flyer for the details.  

Presione la imagen para ver la informacion en Español.


PIMSA Project

by Helen Palomino

We hope you can join us on September 7, 2013  10:00 to 11:30a.m. at the IVC Science Building Auditorium ( building number 2700-2734)   as we plan to discuss our preliminary findings of our PIMSA Project regarding breast cancer treatment decision making and cross border utilization of health care. 


by Diana Peacher


Student’s Name: Helen Palomino, MSW Supervising Mentor: Jong-Deuk Baek, PhD


Background: Cancer care disparities are well reported between racial minority groups including African Americans and Hispanic populations. This report is, as far as we know, the first attempt to show the financial burden and insurance conversion among cancer patients in the medically underserved U.S./Mexico area of Imperial County, California. The objectives of this report are to evaluate demographic and cancer characteristics among patients living in a rural medically underserved Imperial County community and to evaluate financial and other barriers to cancer care faced by patients living in this community.
Method: Data from this report was analyzed using a sample of 308 CRCD clients of both genders, with varying cancer diagnosis, and enrolled in CRCD from January 1, 2011 and July 31, 2012. The majority of CRCD cancer patients in the sample are Latino/Hispanic (85%).
Results: Majority of cancer patients are younger (< 60 of age), under FPL, and small household (one or less). Higher proportions of breast cancer and blood cancer; higher proportions of female and younger patients diagnosed at Mexico; females have higher percentage of advanced cancer diagnosis. Financial burden, transportation, and language/cultural barriers were found to be the major concerns/needs of cancer patients.
Conclusion: When obstacles arise, it is vital that there be an advocate/partner with the patient to mitigate or remove barriers that interfere with the continuum of cancer care. Financial concerns and limited access to cancer care are significant challenges throughout the diagnostic, treatment, and post treatment journey in Imperial County. 

Read the entire manuscript from Helen's internship Exito